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Business Leader of the Year: Pierre Bengtsson, MAFI.

And the winner is… Pierre Bengtsson!
MAFI´s CEO, Pierre Bengtsson, won the prestigious prize “Business Leader of the Year”, awarded by Dalarna Business.
”It was with great honour and pride that I received the award,” said Pierre Bengtsson, after January’s gala night attended by many of the leading companies in Dalarna.Dalarna Business is an association of companies in the county of Dalarna. Every year, business leaders, innovators and executives in various categories are considered for the prestigious award.
Pierre Bengtsson says that, at first, he was on a long list of nominated business leaders. After company audits and interviews, three nominees remained on the list, and the winner was revealed on the 25th of January.
“Receiving this award is the result of excellent teamwork throughout MAFI,” Pierre Bengtsson continues. ”Every employee has been hard working and dedicated over the years, and together we have achieved fantastic results.”
”And now, motivated by this award, we will aim even higher in the future!”
The jury explained its choice thus:
Pierre Bengtsson is a business leader who sees it as his mission to work with shared responsibility, participation and transparency to create high motivation and solutions. Together with his team, he has taken his company from northern Dalarna out into the whole world.

MAFI at NATE and Elektroskandia´s Telecom day

Come and visit us at the NATE Conference and Exhibit in Forth Worth, Dallas 28 Feb – 1 Mar.
Our booth number is 218.´s Telecom day
MAFI will attend the “Telekomdagen” (Telecom day) in Kista, Stockholm, the 30th of March.
Stop by, have a chat with MAFI employees and take the opportunity to see the advantages of our latest products.

MAFI builds a cobot packing station

To streamline the operations MAFI currently builds its own packing station.
“We are evaluating a concept where we use a cobot to multiple tasks,” says Jonas Wassdahl, Head of Design at the MAFI. “And a packing station is the first to be evaluated.”At the centre of the station is a collaborative robot, or a cobot from Universal Robots, model UR10.
A cobot is a robot intended to interact physically with humans in a shared workspace. This is in contrast with robots, designed to operate autonomously or with limited guidance. The cobot includes built-in security features wich makes it stop if something, such as a human, comes in its way.”Our goal with this project is to build our knowledge and experiences in this field,” says Jonas Wassdahl. “There will probably similar projects where we can use the cobot in the future.”
The aim is to pack about 500 units a day with the help of the cobot.

It’s quite small and can be moved easily and reprogrammed for other assignments.
“It’s actually rather fun to work with it and to figure out how to make the cobot work in the most efficient way,” says Jonas Wassdahl with a smile.
Fredrik Andersson, a trainee at MAFI, is doing most of the hands-on work, supervised by Jonas Wassdahl.

The Swedish Hockey League within reach for Mora IK

Mora, where MAFI has its head office, is buzzing with… ice hockey!
The pride of the town, Mora IK, is on a roll and leading the Swedish second league.
”My dream is that we make it to the finals and then advance to the Swedish Hockey League,” says Peter Hermodsson, Director.Dalarna is one of Sweden’s most popular tourist destinations. Its attractions are perhaps primarily nature and culture, but there is also a flourishing business sector of which MAFI is a part and a rich ice hockey tradition.
Together with Leksands IF, the Mora team Mora IK mainly represents the ice hockey culture in the county. Currently, Mora IK competes in the Swedish second league. However, the team has had such a strong tailwind recently that chances are good for advancement to the highest league, the Swedish Hockey League (SHL).

Yes, we are doing very well,” Peter Hermodsson continues. ”And it´s due to the whole club, not just the players. We have very dedicated coaches, leaders and other staff. We have been able to keep key players for some years, and we also have some newer talents that have developed well.”
Peter Hermodsson also emphasises the importance of the club´s partners who had stood by the club when the results weren’t as good, and who are even more supportive now when the goal, advancing to SHL, could be within reach.”It´s crucial now that we don’t race ahead of ourselves,” he says. ”So we keep telling the players to play one game at a time and let us in the management plan for the future. There is still a lot of hard work needed to reach our goals!”
Other key elements that have led to the success, Mr Hermodsson explains, is the club having a vision, broken down into a strategy and several clearly identified operational goals. They include sound finances, building networks, both in Dalarna and Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, and keeping key players for several seasons.

So, what´s most fun for Peter Hermodsson in these times of success?
”It´s a lot! Our sponsors supporting us when we need to buy more players. Watching our young players, both the girls and the boys and seeing their joy. And getting a lot of media coverage is of course also very rewarding!”
Now, in mid-February, Mora IK has a superior lead. The team needs to win a few more matches to reach the playoff. There they will be challenged by teams from SHL, and only after success there, can Mora IK make their dream become a reality.><![CDATA[

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a game-changer in site design

In every telecom roll-out or equipment upgrade, the total weight and wind load imposed on the supporting structure increases. Keeping sites safe and antennas pointing in the right direction is hugely important. The ability to perform quick and accurate structural calculations is crucial.

What could possibly go wrong?

What are the consequences of getting the calculations wrong? Or even worse, not doing them at all?

If you’re too conservative, you will oversize the steelwork, leading to:

• Overstressing the existing structure from unnecessary weight and wind load
• Unnecessary difficulty of installation
• Safety risk increased from handling steelwork that’s too heavy
• Even with heavy and over-strong bracketry, there’s a risk of torsional slip at tubular parent members – antennas can end up pointing in the wrong direction
• Wasting money

If you underestimate the loads,

• Excessive deflection – the antennas point in the wrong direction
• Not safe to climb
• The steelwork can fail – a 100kg antenna falling onto a busy pavement is unlikely to have a happy outcome
• Potentially, forced to cease trading

Structural calculations for site steelwork are not just nice-to-have. They’re essential if you want to

• Have a safe site
• Have a value-engineered site
• Have great network performance
• Stay in business

Traditional methods of designing telecom steelwork are difficult, hard work, and time-consuming. In particular, accurate wind load calculation is difficult to learn, and tedious because you have to do it in 12 directions. It’s the sort of calculation that’s so complex, if you don’t do it every day, you have to relearn the principles each time.

Often, the temptation is to say, “well, this bracket was OK for an antenna about this size last week, so we’ll use it again here.”

Unfortunately, this is another location at a different altitude and height above the ground. The similarly sized antenna has a different profile coefficient that attracts double the wind load. The brackets aren’t OK.

ESICS (Enhanced Site Innovation and Calculation System) not only does it all for you in a ridiculously short time, it effectively teaches you the design method as you use it. The calculations can actually become fun, with graphical input methods and variable-selectors that calculate and display all possible values at once.

OK, it’s not an addictive video game, but we guarantee it’s a breath of fresh air compared to any method you’ve ever used before.

You don’t have to guess anymore – you can do the sums every time and know (and prove) that you’ve chosen the most appropriate bracket.

Calculations are stored in the app, so you can always refer back to them or add a new calculation for the same site. You can save them as a PDF for inclusion in the site handover pack.

ESICS accurately calculates wind loads in accordance with the Eurocode national annexes for the UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and other country codes will be added soon.

What about Significant Orography calculations, to consider the effect of sloping ground, hills and ridges, all with the wind blowing from any direction? Surely the most painful exercise ever to be devised by a design code writer? It’s automatic, of course.

Don’t just take our word for it…

Recently, RWDI was asked to act as checking engineer for the new ESICS wind loading calculator developed by MAFI Group.

We were pleased by how easy and intuitive it was to use the tool. 
Furthermore, we were impressed by how quickly the tool allowed an accurate and comprehensive calculation of the Eurocode wind loads to be undertaken.

Following our review of the ESICS wind loading calculator, we have started to use it internally, as a trusted tool, for our own code-based assessments.

John Kilpatrick, Practice Area Leader of Wind Loading

RWDI is a world-leading wind engineering, climate and specialist environmental consultancy firm with nearly 50 years’ experience. They have worked on projects all over the world, ranging from solar energy systems, long-span bridges, and low-rise buildings to super-tall towers, including the iconic Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

So what’s the cost of this groundbreaking patented software that’s going to save you weeks of work, guarantee safe value-engineered steelwork and keep you in business?

It’s absolutely free.

Don’t miss out – just go to ESICS in our menu to register!

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MAFI Group goes electric

Emma Haltorp, working in the MAFI Group Warehouse i Mora,by the new electric truck, the latest addition to the company´s fossil-free vehicles.

Now MAFI Europe drives an electric truck to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. -It is line with our goals that all vehicles should be fossil-free by the end of 2023, says Per Tägtström ,CTO

MAFI Group already bought its first electric car 2016. Today, all of the company´s vehicles in MAFI Europe are either hydrides or electric. The electric truck will be used in Mora with areas, as this is where MAFI Group has one of the Europen offices and one of its global logistics centers. –We choose fossil-free alternatives because it is a way for us to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, says Per.

“And we have it in the company´s DNA that we should do everything we can to make our planet a better place, so that it can be a good place to live for the future generations as well.”

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Faster and easier with a webbshop account

Keep track of your purchases with a webshop account
Having an account on MAFI Group´s webshop facilitates purchasing and keeping track of everything from what has been bought to current and previous invoices.”There are two ways of buying products from our webshop,” says Victor Bengtsson, Sales Manager of the UK, Nordic and Baltic.
”You can visit our open webshop, go through what you need and email your list to us. The other way is to create an account at MAFI Group, and enter the webshop with your username and password.”
With a username, all quotations and prices are shown, and as items are put into the basket, the total sum is continuously updated. When all items are in the basket, the order is sent with a simple click.
”All orders are checked manually,” Victor continues, ”and during office hours, this is normally done within 30 minutes after the order is sent.”
Creating a username is easy, and a company can have several.
”If you’re interested and want to have a webshop account, please get in touch with your regional sales representative,” Victor says. An account is usually set up within one working day.Please click here to find your regional sales representative:
Above: When logged on to MAFI Group´s webshop you have your prices available on all products. With one click you can ad the number of products into your basket to order.
Above: In your personal account, you have access to your open orders, quotations, invoices, and order statistics

Prestigieous Ericsson award to MAFI Group

”We are excited to announce that Ericsson has awarded MAFI Group the ´Global Supplier Resilience Award 2021´,” says Kent Hansson, acting CEO for MAFI Group.
This recognition is owing to MAFI Group’s continuous support of Ericsson by building a world-class global manufacturing and logistics network to mitigate supply chain and geopolitical risks.
Additionally, MAFI Group was one out of three global suppliers nominated for the 2021 ´Global Supplier of the Year´, with the following motivation:
All-round exceptional support and delivery, establishing new production sites for Ericsson and supporting R&D needs through innovative technologies.
”We are proud of our MAFI Group team, and we thank Ericsson for recognizing us as a world-class supplier with the ´Global Supplier Resiliency Award 2021´,” says Kent Hansson.

Do a virtual tour in the MAFI Academy Park

With MAFI Academy Park, MAFI Group´s solutions can be showed and explained in a live-stream event for viewers from anywhere in the world.
Or do a virtual tour in the park by clicking here.

Do a virtual tour in our Academy Park, and examples of sites in a 3D picture. Click on the camera icons and look closer on offsets, freestanders, brackets, wall brackets, and other solutions MAFI Group offers.

In our popular webinars, MAFI Group´s staff demonstrates the products and the participant’s questions are answered. Current and potential customers will have sufficient information to purchase what they need, without the need of traveling.
At the MAFI Academy Park, there are seven demo sites, ranging from utility poles, and wall mounts to various freestanding solutions.
The webinars are held in English, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Swedish and Albanian.
If you would like to book a webinar, please contact the MAFI VP for your region:

Africa and Middle East: Jan Sandén,
Americas: Tony Lane,
Asia: Andy Zhao,
Europe: Andreas Persson,

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ESICS – A game changer in site design

MAFIGROUP is launching ESICS, a new tool for site design.

”I am convinced that it will revolutionize the lives of all those who work with site design,” says CEO Pierre Bengtsson.

ESICS stands for Enhanced Site Innovation and Calculation System, or what has already begun to be called “The Bracket Checker.”
Pierre Bengtsson explains its benefits:
”It is an extremely efficient tool that simplifies complex calculations. Based on a wide range of parameters such as equipment size and weight, wind load, and much more, it quickly calculates which brackets and other steelwork kits are required to design or upgrade a safe telecom site.”

In every roll-out, and also when more equipment is added to current sites, the total weight and wind load increase. The importance of keeping the sites safe and making sure that equipment will not fall into the street is of monumental significance, and thus also is making proper structural calculations.

However, every site is unique, and calculating each one by traditional methods takes time, especially when you also need to consider the wind conditions at the site.

”It is an extremely efficient tool that simplifies complex calculations based on a wide range of parameters.
MAFI Group´s new business area

ESICS lets you make an accurate automated calculation in just a few minutes. You simply put the site’s data into the App and add the location and height above ground. ESICS then takes local wind and topographical conditions into account and automatically calculates the 1 in 50-year peak wind pressure in all directions.

When all parameters are in the system, ESICS will suggest which poles, brackets, and other equipment you need to use.
”You can use ESICS to apply rigorous structural and wind analysis to find the most efficient FEA-analysed, physically tested, and CE-certified MAFI products appropriate for this application the site,” Pierre Bengtsson explains.
Once the site is finished, you can save it and download a pdf with loads of useful information about the site.

And, as a bonus, next time you need to add equipment to that particular site, a large portion of the work required to make new calculations is already done.

” ESICS is a game-changer,” says Pierre Bengtsson,” and it’s already available in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, and the US is next in line. As the demand is enormous, we’re working intensively to add all our markets.”

There is a lot to tell about ESICS, and you are welcome to for more information.

Xiomara Anguiano – New Supply Chain Specialist in the US
”It is important that we are adaptable.”

“Keeping customers happy is always what I aim for,” says Xiomara Anguiano, recently hired Supply Chain Specialist at MAFI Group USA.

Since May, Xiomara has been at the US office in Lewisville, not far from Dallas, Texas. Before that, she had in different service-oriented employments.
“I was thrilled to get the opportunity to work for MAFI,” Xiomara says.” It’s a new field for me, and I have learned a lot, which I find very enjoyable.”

An ordinary day for Xiomara may include placing orders, keeping track of orders, negotiate with suppliers, facilitate operations for the sales department, and keeping track of incoming and outgoing goods from the warehouse.
“I never have a dull day,” she says with a big smile.
When asked what customers expect from her, she thinks for a second and replies:
“I think consistency and dependability. But also the ability to adapt. Sometimes things happen, and we can’t do it as planned, then we need to make new plans and fix whatever needs fixing quickly. But that doesn’t just apply to me, but everyone at MAFI’s.
“Still, even when we need to fix things, I like to be creative and solve everything to our customers’ benefit. And I’ve learned that there is always a solution.”

Xiomara is originally from Forth Worth, also in Dallas. When she’s off work, she likes to spend time with her three dogs, two chihuahuas, and one Australian cattle dog.
” Yes, I’m a real ‘dog mom’,” she says and smiles.” I love spending time with them, like taking them on hikes or watch movies. I also like to cook, and although I’m not great at it, I recently tried making Swedish meatballs, and I loved them!”

Do a virtual tour in the MAFI Academy Park

In MAFI Group´s Academy Park you can do a virtual tour, and look closer on all interesting solutions by clicking the camera icons.

With MAFI Academy Park, MAFI Group´s solutions can be showed and explained in a live-stream event for viewers from anywhere in the world.
Or do a virtual tour in the park by clicking here.

Do a virtual tour in our Academy Park, and examples of sites in a 3D picture. Click on the camera icons and look closer on offsets, freestanders, brackets, wall brackets, and other solutions MAFI Group offers.

In our popular webinars, MAFI Group´s staff demonstrates the products and the participant’s questions are answered. Current and potential customers will have sufficient information to purchase what they need, without the need of traveling.
At the MAFI Academy Park, there are seven demo sites, ranging from utility poles, and wall mounts to various freestanding solutions.
The webinars are held in English, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Swedish and Albanian.
If you would like to book a webinar, please contact the MAFI VP for your region:

Africa and Middle East: Jan Sandén,
Americas: Tony Lane,
Asia: Andy Zhao,
Europe: Andreas Persson,


with our best mounting inspiration

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Updated Free Standing Corner Mount

This freestanding structure, MAFI 4610, delivers robust rooftop equipment-pole, or poles, without the need to penetrate weatherproofing layers.
Adjustable ballast-carrying cross beams enable the use of different sizes of concrete paving slabs depending on availability.
The pole, or poles, can be kept vertical even when the surface is sloping up to 4°.
The default pole size is Ø114.3 (4.5in) (designer to confirm length and section), but you can also specify Ø76.1 (3in) by using the product option U-bolt 2801-1.
The poles can be folded flat, facilitating both installation and maintenance.

The poles can be folded flat, facilitating both installation and maintenance.

Solar Energy –
MAFI Group´s new business area

Mounting systems for solar panels are developed according to the same standards as MAFI Group´s solutions for the telecom market.
“We have been working closely with one Swedish solar panel installer,” Nils Pettersson continues.
“With their industry experience, and with our know-how of making brackets, we have developed a fast-installed bracket for a tile roof.”
Designing mounting systems for solar panels has several requirements that are the same as for the telecom market.
“In both cases, an antenna or a solar panel needs to be safely and efficiently mounted. And in both cases, we have deep knowledge in calculating wind loads.”
The calculation tool ESICS will be launched shortly for MAFI’s telecom products. It will later be compatible with solar energy products. ESICS will facilitate fast and accurate calculations of solar sites, taking wind speed, snow load, and many other factors into consideration.

“As with our solutions for the telecom market, we provide both standard solutions, as well as tailormade products for special projects,” Nils Pettersson says. “And like our products for the telecom industry, we will provide quality and fast-installed products with few parts also for the solar energy industry.”

MAFI is entering a new industry, mounting systems for solar panels.
“Initially, we will develop products for the Nordic market,” says Account Manager Nils Pettersson.
“But since we are a global company, we can support solar companies anywhere
we operate with local solutions and short lead times.”

Left: Fredrik Rozén, Customer Satisfaction Director at Freebo, a supplier of solar panels in Sweden, and Nils Pettersson, Account Manager at MAFI Group.
Right: The solar panel mounting system supplied by MAFI Group. (Photo: Freebo.)

Learn about MAFI´s solutions in a 

live-stream event from MAFI Showroom

With MAFI Showroom MAFI´s solutions can be showed and explained in a live-stream event for viewers from anywhere in the world. MAFI staff demonstrates the products and the participant’s questions are answered. Current and potential customers will have sufficient information to purchase what they need, without the need of traveling.

MAFI Showroom and MAFI Outdoor Showroom are located in MAFI’s head office in Sweden. Outdoors, seven sites are ranging from utility poles, and wall mounts to sites with various freestanding solutions. The webinars are held in English, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Swedish and Albanian. 

If you would like to book a webinar, please contact the MAFI VP for your region:

Africa and Middle East: Jan Sandén,

Americas: Tony Lane,

Asia: Andy Zhao,

Europe: Andreas Persson,


with our best mounting inspiration

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New Product family – Free Standing Corner Mount

Our updated Free Standing Corner Mount Family is soon to be launched.

We are currently in the process of finalizing the last steps, which will be a more modular and flexible solution that are adapted to the market need.

Some of the news is that several units can easily be combined according to the needs.

This corner mount also offers a safe installation with folding pipe and adjustable supports.

In our next newsletter we will disclose everything about it.

“MAFI East Africa is well aligned for new demands”

“In a short time, we will have access to production capacity that will ensure delivery for our markets in East Africa,” says Jackshafton Mauti, new as Engineering and Sales Manager at MAFI East Africa, since February.

Jackshafton has had a full plate since day one. He’s handled everything from selling MAFI’s solutions to global telecom operators and tower companies operating in the region to further strengthening MAFI’s strategic position for the future.
In East Africa, the need for telecommunication capacity is growing at a breakneck pace. All major global OEM and Tower companies are present, and they deliver their solutions to Operators in the region.

MAFI East Africa is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, but operates throughout the region, and it has access to local manufacturing capacity for brackets and towers in Nairobi and neighboring countries. The manufacturer has invested in advanced CNC technology, and they will double their capacity in a couple of months’ time to meet MAFI´s demands.

“We can deliver most of
what’s needed to a site.”

Extensive roll-outs are underway in Kenya and neighboring countries, so MAFI’s products are bound to be in demand at thousands of sites.
“But we have much more than brackets to offer, Jackshafton emphasizes. We can deliver most of what’s needed to a site.”
Jackshafton says that one of the leading global telecom providers, with operations across large parts of Africa, is keen to extend its collaboration with MAFI.
“That’s why we will, among other things, arrange training seminars for their employees and customers,” says Jackshafton. “And that’s something I am preparing right now.”

He and MAFI’s vice president Jan Sandén in East Africa, want to see the present possibilities as an opportunity to grow, strengthen existing collaborations and develop new ones.
“I see my key role as re-engagement, get back in-tune with customers and heads of departments in enhancing solid relations of ten years with more accurate specification and low overall site cost quality brackets into the rollout “DNA.” A superior product to inject into the rollout “DNA”, he says.
“And we are well aligned to meet new demands envisaged in the region we cover.”
Jackshafton has a background as a Mechanical Engineer. He has furthered with a master of international business operations, and he has worked in the telecom industry for over 15 years.

“I have experience with project planning, support for design, acquisitions, sales, and pricing, both in Kenya and neighboring.
“During the last 10 years, I have had business interactions with the regional Vice President, and I have seen how MAFI, with impressive delivery guarantee and high quality of its products, has quickly grown. That is why I am now both proud and happy to be part of MAFI’s team.”

Learn about MAFI´s solutions in a 

live-stream event from MAFI Showroom

With MAFI Showroom MAFI´s solutions can be showed and explained in a live-stream event for viewers from anywhere in the world. MAFI staff demonstrates the products and the participant’s questions are answered. Current and potential customers will have sufficient information to purchase what they need, without the need of traveling.

MAFI Showroom and MAFI Outdoor Showroom are located in MAFI’s head office in Sweden. Outdoors, seven sites are ranging from utility poles, and wall mounts to sites with various freestanding solutions. The webinars are held in English, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Swedish and Albanian. 

If you would like to book a webinar, please contact the MAFI VP for your region:

Africa and Middle East: Jan Sandén,

Americas: Tony Lane,

Asia: Andy Zhao,

Europe: Andreas Persson,


with our best mounting inspiration